about me
Writer | Director | Filmmaker
I'm an award-winning film and video director with over twenty-five years experience in the film industry. I have a background in commercials and music video. Today, I work for many of the world’s leading companies as a Self-shooting director or DoP.
I specialise in creating high-quality film, digital video and photography using the best technology available. My work has won leading industry awards in Europe and America.
I am also a CAA qualified and insured drone operator and have flown in many countries around the world.
This is a true story. It’s my story.
In 1984, I bunked off school, jumped on a train to London and sat outside David Lean’s production office for seven hours in the hope of passing him my CV. The old bugger never showed up.
On the train home, the guard stopped me and asked to see my ticket. I didn’t have one. I couldn’t afford one. I explained that I’d travelled up to London to meet Oscar-winning director David Lean and I was going to make his tea on his next feature film. He said I was an idiot and I’d have to get off at the next stop and walk home.
Thankfully, a passenger in the next row of seats came to my aid and paid for my ticket. It turned out she was a producer in a large advertising agency. She liked the fact that I’d chanced my arm to find work with such a great director, so she hired me to make her tea when they next shot a commercial. And so began my career in the great British Film Industry.
Over the years, I worked my way up from tea-boy to director. I’ve worked on hundreds of commercials and music videos. I’ve made broadcast documentaries, party election broadcasts, high-end corporates and award-winning charity films. I’ve shot everywhere from inside Buckingham Palace to the slums of Mumbai and the Canadian Arctic Circle. I've met so many great and interesting people along the way.
The train guard was right to sling me off his train all those years ago and indeed, I might well be an idiot, but I sure do know how to make a good cup of tea.
Everyone has a story to tell. Let me tell yours.

I've successfully completed over 500 foreign shoots in around a hundred countries. Above is a handy cut out and keep map of some of the places I've filmed:
I mainly work through UK production companies and agencies making films for many leading brands..